Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 6

Wow I can't believe is going to be almost one week since we started this challenge...It's been bad, but at the same time it has been good.

And here is the infamous Lean cuisine that I ate for lunch.. 300 calories per lunch box thing yay!
De Say No to Fast food

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 5

Today has been a good day, thought I had my real serious craving for fast food too, maybe because I'm kind of dehydrated, Nevertheless I could manage to survive the day today. I am happier now that at least I make some bucks; it could be better but I'm hanging there. But you are probably more interested in what the hell I ate today to avoid my fast food challenge... not really but I'll assume that

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

day 4

This day was more and more difficult, I really thought that today I was not going to make it.
The main reason why i tought I was not going to make it was because the little time I had today to get any food but I think I managed very well.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 3

Today Was my second day at work and my third day with this difficult test. Today was a day full with temptation too but I did some excersise as well so everything should be alright. Let's start with the menu of today.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 2

The second day of the personal challenge. Also my first day in my training for a temp job and first day for my wife to work after the challenge was accepted.

We began early I set up the alarm clock wrong and ended up waking up one hour before the time I was supposed to get up. but I went back to bed and wallow there till I manage to get myself out of the bed.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 1

The first day of the challenge we started with my wife has come:

Since today is Sunday we were very lazy and we didn't really got out of the bed until noon, this was not going well because as we discovered our fridge was empty. We had some cheese and bread therefore my dear wife decided to make grilled cheese sandwich. I only had one since she calls grilled cheese sandwich to a fried cheese sandwich; I like it better baked. But she beat me to the kitchen, and that means that she gets to make whatever she wants. So the brunch for today was:

The decision of No more Fast Food

We have been thinking with my wife that we have a problem with food, lately we have been eating too much food at the fast food joints; and we are spending too much money by eating there! Hence we came to a decision that is to try to cut back on the consumption of fast food .

The decision came on a talk with my wife while we were on our way back from Houston , TX. We have been thinking that eating fast food more than once a month is not a good thing, but we are by far close to that goal. In order to reach that goal we have decided to take some measurements: